Saturday, February 21, 2009

Facebook tips:  
1) to see all the applications that you have installed do the following: 
on the application from bottom menu bar, 
click 'edit- on the right  
select 'authorized' from show drop down.  
2) to display all friend's 'profile photo':  
friends-> recently added 
select '---' in the show dropdown  
3) to see only your wall posts, without going to your profile : use the link likewise use 'wall to wall'  
4) to see the groups that your friends have joined: 
use link  
5) There is no need to RSVP to an event (for privacy..) , 
use 'remove from events' this will make the event disappear. 
6) to see the updates for the fan pages that you have tagged: use  
7) to remove an application, go to the main link it will always appear on the very bottom of the app. At the application page, use 'Remove application' 
8) to preview an application's ratings/reviews, click on the highlighted name before 'allow'/accept. This will give you a chance to read what the app is before installing. Once at the application's page you can use 'go to application' and it will ask to install/accept/allow  
9)organizing your friends you can categorize your friends, and this is private just as you would create email folders...
select friends-> all friends 
on the left type the name of group eg: College Buddies click on the new list add your friends
* a friend can appear in more than one list 
* a list can be used when sending a facebook mail 
* it can be used for many applications when sending an invite- via 'filter' 
* it can be used when sending a group invite 
* it can be used for privacy settings. Create one for lesser known folks, such as those for facebook games only....  
10) setting privacy : 
from right side main blue bar, 
click settings -> privacy 
select profile tab use both the basic and contact tabs. 
click on the dropdown , 
select 'customize' a window will appear : 
select the network, friend of friends or only friends if you have friend list (see #9) defined, then you may select this as well

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Customize colors for Facebook *
this helps decrease brightness, making easy on the eyes.

Check out my facebook customized background and colors as example

used this style:

tweaked it to use this background :

to get pink fonts :

Web Browser: seamonkey - also works with firefox

** only you can view, settins are not saved on fb server/network
Speeding Up MS Windows
Note many of the commands may require Administrator rights.

1) find the culprits:
use task manager

click on processes tab

click on Mem Usage, where the largest appears first

this will tell you the programs using the most memory

Other good program(process) usage applications are 'what's running' and 'process xp'.

2 ) Remove the culprits
a) uninstall the application, using this method first (the registry entries should also be removed)
control panel -> add/remove

b)disable services(programs running in background)
type services.msc
sort by name
disable the unnecessary items , note you can enable later on
error reporting
switch user - this will require to use log off(back to user list), if to use a different log in.

do not disable:
event log
automatic updates (however update to 'prompt' and not automatic downloads)

c) if no uninstall application or service, then you'll need to manually remove.
find the directory where the exe is located and rename the file extenstion exe to exe_ .
If you receive write permission error, then move the directory to the desktop. If after reboot computer works fine, then delete the entire directory.

d) Remove printers that you know you (and household) will never use. Many times 'virtual printers' are added by software such as 'Ms Office One Note', and 'XPS printer'. These printers take up processing memory when the PC loads. To remove these, use Start->control Panel , select Printers. Right click on the printer, and select delete.

3) weekly tasks that should be done
a) update your virus definitions (not the application updates) the 'virus database'
b0run 'full scan' overnight
c)remove files from:
c:\windows\installer - I remove stuff that is more than 6 months old
c:\Document and Settings\_login_name\LocalSettings\Temp , where _login_name is your login name
c:\Document and Settings\_login_name\LocalSettings\TemporaryInternetFiles

4) If these don't help, then create a new login. You can then copy your My Documents from the old login to your new account(but copy to a external usb key or harddrive).
c:\Document and Settings\_old_name\ , where _old_name is the old login
c:\Document and Settings\_new_name\ , where _new_name is the new login

Note that many of the settings will not be the same, and applications will behave as a new install .

5 ) Don't make the entire household use the same login. Instead, have an admin login for yourself and non-admin for other users.
Admin logins give too many rights... installing applications etc.