- cisco any connect
- comodo anti virus
- find any file
- ccleaner
NEW annoying settings
- The auto hide of the main toolbar on top. I'm using firefox and it constantly hiding the dock and toolbar (apple) . It leaves a empty space on the border, so it's not full screen.
- Additionally, I lost all the 'pinned' folders in Finder.
- The Activity monitor lost it's pie chart UGH! now I have to terminal window 'top -c cpu' to get info.
PUSHED software
- El Capitan imposed the map, google map is best, esp on phone , El Capitan map is very slow not useful most use gps phones.
- Also , Apple push the photo app. I use Image Capture for reading digital photos off my cam. I like Picassa for management instead and Gimp for editing.
- The ibook, hmmmm. It don't download any books, there is no history button and not convent to place on mobile device. Google books and simple search of pdf are much easier.
Yes after El Capitan upgrade, it was working fine until I needed to reboot. Well that's when all hell broke loose. I could not reboot. Luckily , I had phone to google for some answers. It took two days(my off time from full-time).
It's very important to learn shell/bash, scripting. LEARN IT.
---- get to terminal--
So after following many forums and searching, many stated they had issues with Library Extensions. I had a 'panic' message, but ONLY after I had to do a ctl-R , then go to terminal. I then needed to set the boot to sudo nvram boot-args=”-v” as the SAFE MODE (shift -S) never worked for me .
This is when I was able to see 'panic' message. This listed some com. eltima sync.....
-----get root----
But wait, you'll need to enable the root, because El Capitan developer thought it was a great idea to play nanny with machine that you paid for....
how to enable root: http://www.macworld.com/article/2986118/security/how-to-modify-system-integrity-protection-in-el-capitan.html
---- fixing---
Diagnostic Reports (/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports) did not show anything in particular. I was able to attempt rebooting, but only 'after reinstalling' El Capitan, again worked until time to reboot again. So my joy was quickly washed away LOL.
After googling eltima.... , using the find / -iname *eltima* , in terminal
Finally, the fix was in volume/Machine HD/system / LibExtensions/ in elthasync.kext do a move. first made a directory in /Volume/Machine HD/unsupported, the mv the kext problem file. I did move rather than delete , in case Mac needed it.
Removing kext files did not work for me. Found still had to perform a kextcache -update-volume command found here:
El Capitan itself, was not worth the upgrade. I'm not finding anything to 'brag about'. I did decided to do the upgrade because had Lion and did not upgrade to Yosemite. I did not want to get locked back where future upgrades wont work on Lion. I'll keep El Capitan not update until 2 years, LOL
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